Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Birthday Sail

I got out to sail on my birthday. Actually Brooke did most of the sailing, I was just along for the ride. It was really pleasant, and too short. It never seems that when the conditions are perfect I have all the time I want. Only on days that are rough for one person can I be out all day. I think its a conspiracy between my wife and the weather god.

Google maps is fixed, so here is our track.

View 2011/10/23 in a larger map

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Last week

I know that this is a bit out of order, but, it is what it is...

Last week I moved the VHF antena off the temp PVC on the backstay. I removed the old coax in the cabin, and replaced it with the coax I used to the temp location. I routed the coax through the deck fitting, and attached the VHF whip about 6' up the mast. This at least puts the whip a out three feet higher than the previous location, and closer to where it needs to go - the top of the mast.

It's almost been a year

Tomorrow is my birthday, which reminded me that it was a year ago that we named our little boat.

So I went for a sail yeasteday. We had a cool front pass through, so the winds are out of the north, and fairly stiff. 10 to 15 knots. But Brooke and I went out yesterday. I made sure to sail easy for her, as she still doesn't like to heel over, so no jib, and a reefed main. Not the fastest, but easy and flat, just the way Brooke likes it.

I also got out again today. I love my wife, she had to do homework, so se gave me the day off of chores, and told me to get out and sail. You don't have to tell me twice. The conditions wer a bit rougher than yesterday. 13 knts wit gusts up to 17. I started with a jib and a main, but without a tiller manager, it was a bit hard to sail and trim single handed. Plus a lot of 20+degree heeling. So I pulled the jib down. Sailed for about 3 hours, tacking my way to the north end of Three Rooker, then an easy run all the way back.

Happy naming day Inara.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Its been a while

Its been a while... The last day I was out sailing was Aug 8th. Since then, I have either been out of town, had family obligations, or the weather has been really crappy. Here in FL crappy weather is either too rainy, or too windy.

So in any case, I have REALLY been missing getting out sailing. I have been getting out to the boat about once a week, to check on her, clean, putz around, or just sit and have lunch, but that isn't the same as getting out.

Finally last night I got out sailing. A short sail, as I promised I would be back close to sunset, but a sail none the less.

View 2011/10/11 in a larger map

Nice day, light chop, winds @ 10 knts with occasional gusts, but nothing over powering.

Beautiful Sunset

Full moon on the way to the marina

I hope to get out more this weekend.