More maintenance... Flan and I went out this evening, to do more cleaning. I
pulled the Lewmar #6 winches off to service them. Hoping that they only need
servicing, and not replacing. The starboard winch works. The port winch spins
freely in both directions. The haylard winch is sporadic. I love Lewmar winches
for how easy they are to field strip. Take the top ring off, and they just come
apart. While I was doing this, Flan was scrubbing the green stuff off the hull.
Then we grabed the bimini frame and all and headed home, as there was a storm
coming. Later this evening I started cleaning the winches. The PO must have
used axle grease for these or something. The grease was so old that it was
actually sticky, almost like paste. First I tried to clean them with engine
degreaser, but that really didnt help, so I brought out the big guns. I only
recommend this as a VERY last resort, but I soaked the winches and parts in
gasoline (except the plastic parts). This litteraly melted the old grease off
all parts and nooks and cranies. Then gave them a washing with soap and water.
Most excellent now. A light oiling on the prawls and lewmar grease on the
gearing. I will get back on Saturday to install them. Like all the rest of the
canvas, Brooke washed the bimini with detergent and vinegar, to kill anything
including the smell.