Tradgedy Strikes...
Got out to the boat, and installed the winches. Boy they sound nice now.
Checked out the cabin, cause we have had three days of heavy rain, just some
drops here and there, doesnt seem to leak as bad as the PO said. Locked up the
cabin, getting ready to get off the boat and OMG!!! The engine is gone.
STOLEN!!! The bastards cut the fuel and electrical line, and off they went with
it. I know what you thinking "wasnt it locked?"... Rookie mistake - no. The
part that makes me feel really bad is, when i was installing it, and just about
everytime we were at the boat, I thought "I wonder if I should lock this" or
"how should I lock this". But by the time I got home the thought had faded.
After filing a police report, and contacting the insurance company, I googled
for o/b locks. $30 for a lock. And they are so simple. What a dumba$$ I am. Of
the dozen or so other sailboats and 4 motor boats, about half of them leave
their o/b on. I bet they are locked! Dont know what to do now... We will replace the
motor... that is what insurance is for. But i dont know if i will leave the motor on the
boat even with a lock. At least until we move to slip. Maybe this will prompt moving a bit sooner.