So I had to actually take a day off of work to get out and have my first real sail. The only way that it would have been better is if Brooke could have come, but she was feeling under the weather.
Anyway... what a beautiful day to go out. The winds were between 5 and 10 knts. The water was just enough to make a lapping sound as I glided through the water. The largest waves I encountered were when leaving the marina, and had a stink pot coming in down the channel.
I sailed closed hauled up to Anclote Island.
Then wing on wing, almost all the way back. I am getting better at docking all by myself, which is good. The deck organizer sheeves need to be replaced, they get jammed when haulling up the main halyards. And the mainsail will need to be replaced at sometime. The leech on it is pretty frayed. But I will just use it till it rips.
All in all a good way to spend the day.